The Vtiger List View Total is a powerful tool that helps users to get a quick overview of complete data for numerical fields in Sum of list view without the need of manual effort, saving time and reducing errors. This is very helpful for business owners, sales teams or finance teams for decision making by providing immediate insights. It works across all modules like Opportunities, Invoices, and Inventory or custom modules, making it helpful for managing sales, finance, and stock.
In Vtiger sum of list view , there is an ability to export filtered data along with totals, so it simplifies reporting and collaboration among teams. Additionally, ‘Vtiger sum of list view’ develops businesses to track key metrics like total deal value, invoices, or stock levels and it leads to overall efficiency in your business. By using this, there is no need for external tools to calculate the Sum of list view in Vtiger CRM. So Vtiger sum of list view is a cost effective and helpful solution to find list view total in Vtiger CRM .